[Pre-K math] Count up to nine

We made activities, quizzes, and games to help students learn how to count up to nine, as well as how to identify, compare, and order them. There are also quizzes on ordinal numbers and how to compare counts by one more or less.

All of these activities are organized by grade and difficulty.

🎓 Count up to the given count

(1) Count up to the given bundle



🎓 Count

(1) Count up to the given count

(2) Match the counts and the bundles


(3) Count by yourself

🚀Practice 🚀Test

🚀Practice 🚀Test

🎓 Identify

(1) Fine a bundle by the given count


🚀Test1 🚀Test2

(2) Find a count by the given bundle


🚀Test1 🚀Test2

(3) Match the counts and the bundles


🚀Test1 🚀Test2

(4) Count up to the given count


(5) Count up to the given count in concept of addition and subtraction


🎓 Compare

(1) More or less

🚀Practice 🚀Test

(2) Identify which one is more or less

🚀Practice 🚀Test

(3) Most or least


🚀Test1 🚀Test2

(4) Find all which are more than or less than ~


Pre-k math count

🎓 Order

(1) Order in ascending order

🚀Practice 🚀Test

(2) Order in descending order

🚀Practice 🚀Test

(3) Order in ascending and descending order


(4) Figure out the direction, and order




(5) Figure out the direction, and find which one is at wrong place


Pre-k math count

🎓 Order - one more, one less

(1) One more and one less

🚀Practice 🚀Test

(2) Find all which are one more or one less

🚀Practice 🚀Test

Pre-k math count

🎓 Order - ordinal number

(1) Find one which is at the given ordinal position

🚀Practice 🚀Test

(2) Identify the ordinal position

🚀Practice 🚀Test


(3) Find one which is at the given ordinal position


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